Conditions treated

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is performed to create a healthy relationship between the gum and underlying bone, by working to expose the tooth covered by excessive gum tissue. The treatment can help to enhance gum tissue health, and ready the mouth and gums for permanent crown placement. Crown lengthening works to expose the part of the tooth underneath the excess tissue by reshaping and harmonizing the existing bone and gum tissue. The procedure can be performed on any number of teeth, and results in a healthier and more beautiful smile for patients.

Why crown lengthening?
Crown lengthening is used for a number of reasons including:

Restoring Periodontal Health:
If a tooth is severely worn, decayed or fractured, crown lengthening is performed to gain access to the tooth beneath the gum line so your periodontist can restore the damaged tooth health and function.

Dental Crown Retention:
In cases where patients lack sufficient tooth structure but are in need of a restoration, like a crown or bridge, crown lengthening is performed to increase the space between the jawbone and dental crown. This process stops the new crown from damaging the surrounding gum tissue and bone once it’s secured.

Cosmetic Enhancement:
Crown lengthening is often performed to fix the appearance of a ‘gummy smile,’ where excessive gum tissue covers the natural tooth, creating the appearance of shorter teeth. Removing the excess gum tissue creates a healthier look, and a more aesthetically pleasing smile.